好久冇 update 啦. 冇法啦, 最近公司真係好忙, 我個老友仲要快傳 team; 比佢快我一步tim. 唔知係咪比人知到我都想走, 所以差不多班大佬日日同我講: 又話比呢D我、又果D我; 累到我更加小時間做事. 唉.... 但係真係要認真諗諗末來有咩打算... 老啦老啦 :(
今日寫中文, 因為取了我送給爸的小蒙恬. 他說用筆寫還快D. 我都覺得係, 哈哈...
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You cannot control how long your life is but you can control its depth. You cannot control the weather but you can control your emotions. You cannot know what will happen tomorrow but you can control what happens today. You cannot win all the time but you can always do your best. Love life, live life.
Ha! No wonder it seems so funny as I was reading your blog! You typed in Chinese!!!!! Welcome to the Chinese typind world. (I bought one for Ka's mom too, she seems to like it - must be quite very easy to use.)
Yupyup. 我用拼音的. 一邊用國語去想,一邊寫,所以看落去無咁白話.
I wonder what is next on the agenda after submitting our signatures to the seal hunting site. Things are often being said more than done. Your still keep up with the Chinese language. My chinese is getting so bad to the point that I can't recall how to write auntie when my colleague asked me for help... ashamed of myself.
yeah, too bad the seal hunt still went on despite lots of criticism...
Ha ha, my chinese isn't good either; sometimes i had to find "alternatives" to the words I dunno how to write too! lol
Your Chinese writing is good enough to the least that you are capable to express your thoughts. I won't even think of writing in Chinese because it involves too much of brain power.
Hope you will soon have a vacation to relax!
By any chance, are you still in touch with the people from Engineering class? Do they have their blogs as well?
Nice Pic, and with cute doggie!
Yup, I'm still in touch with most of the gang, but most of them don't have blogs tho...
Here's Henry's:
唔係話? 手寫快過打字? 宜家D 手寫板真係咁勁? 咁早知我就唔駛以前就學定倉頡啦....
哈哈,我想如果我寫字寫得靚d 就會ok 快掛... 但係我寫得好wut-dut所以好多時都要重複寫幾次...超慢man!
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