Monday, November 06, 2006

Back to a 40% approval rate country...

And so, I'm back to Shanghai today; and I miss Taipei already. Damn, time really flies when you are having fun eh? I also joined the tour yesterday to travel around northeast Taiwan with pics coming shortly in future posts. And so, here's a pic of my good-bye meal at Taipei 101 before I left featuring stinky tofu and oyster eggs... Yum, that night I went to the night market to further satisfy my dessert appetite too... As the chinese proverb says (rewritten): "They laugh at me saying I'm fat, and I laugh at them saying they are unlucky". ha ha ha... Guess which proverb? lols


可可 said...

"別人笑我太肥胖 我笑旁人不懂吃"

Edmlee said...

ha ha ha... nice! you just know me too well... there's also another one too... but, since i'm on another laptop and i dun have the translation program installed - can't type :p...

ah gee said...

Yummy! I LOVE stinky tofu! Can you air-freight some over? hehehe...