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HSBC is the worst x100 bank in the world
First thing I'm going to do when I'm back in Toronto next month? Cancel HSBC's account. Arr. What are the essential functions of a bank? Deposit, save and withdraw... very good, even a 5 year old knows that - but the $#&%# HSBC banks doesn't even allow me to withdraw money when I need it the most. I opened an account just for my SH trip, applied for debit and stuff - and even had to endure a lousy 3$ transaction fee for taking out cash. OK, as long as it works. But today I just found out that my debit card expired (just only 6 months) and they didn't provide me with a replacement (I asked me family to keep an eye in the mail for me). OK fine. Then I headed to the SH HSBC branch and asked for help, I had to take a subway to a pretty far away district cuz my district doesn't have one - they were opened today but still told me I had to wait till Monday (but for WHAT? what are those dumbasses at work today doing other than picking their nose?). Then I logged online only to find out China can't access the HSBC site; oh wait, i remember, I had to use a proxied site that they provided me with last time I complained and sent emails to their HQ some 2 months ago (other banks didn't have this problem). After trying to log on 3 times - they locked me out, boasting their 'top of their line security service'. Agh. Guess I'll have to call them tonight, I'll type my part II if I run into more problems here. Although I'm not a rich man, but I did plan to use HSBC as a major cash injection bank - not any more; not after so much troubles. I'm going to Bank of China instead. Hopefully their service is better. This is just a waste of time, I could'ved twiddled my fingers and picked my nose like their employees at home today. Bah.
haha. HSBC (Hongkong Shanghai Bank corporation), since Shanghai is in the name of the bank, you'd expect it to be great at that place too....
Well, u are in China, I guess Bank of China wont be bad, since, again the name says it all....
Really? The service provided by HSBC in Vancouver is excellent. I was surprised that the rep recognized my voice even she hasn't met me before (after talking with her on the phone once) and prepared various options to consider. This is why HSBC's annual profit is highest in Canada among all the Canadian banks. As Henry said, it could simply because the bank situates in SH and you aren't physically present in Canada. Good luck to you!
I guess the standards of service in Shanghi aren't as high as the standards in Canada.
Yeah, it is strange that despite the bank carries the title - the service still wasn't too good.
However, upon calling to the Canadian branch - the acc manager recognized me immediately as I explained my situation to her (I guess this is what Winwin also said). She was very helpful and will follow up with HQ and try to fedex me a replacement card right away. Hope it'll arrive soon :( I'll need to borrow $$$ in the office tomorrow too though. damn.
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