Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Having a breather....

Sometimes it just feels so great to take several days off, not doing anything, and just relax... And that was exactly what I did last week when I took Wed-Friday off, while declining all activities to stay home and relax. Despite there's always that urge to go out, meet people, and to try and accomplish as much as possible in as little time - sometimes it feels good to recharge just to chill at home. Is this part of human nature that we all have this 'comfort zone' and just want to rest, or is it just that i'm lazy...? ha ha... Eitherway, played PS3 and my guitar during this free time off. PS3 is create by Sony and being a HW engineer myself; I find that game consoles are just making its way into everyones' - be it the Wii, PS3, Xbox, etc. Will it evolve into not just a game console; but maybe an entertainment and multimedia console? A compact powerful little machine that can play BR, HD, DVD, CD, VCD, surf the net, online shopping, and pay the bills anywhere in the house. We normally have isolated PCs lying around in specific rooms, but will future consoles set a new trend for humanity moving forward?


AJEYA RAO said...

Yes it really sounds so great, to do nothing and relax all week. Its been so long since i did that!

Edmlee said...

Definately... I luv those down days just to sit back and relax :)

But u must be a busy man, cuz u are getting a house on ur own now!

Unknown said...

Oh Mund, I still have your dreamcast from ages ago. Let me know when you want it back :P