Sunday, February 28, 2010

Olympics coming to an end.

The excitement, the anguish, the friendship, the joy, and the thought of endless hrs the athletes put in; are just one of the many emotions that can be felt when watching the Olympics. As the event draws to an end today, it will be another four years when the next Winter Olympics will be held in Sochi. It was fun, and it was great to see Canada play a part by hosting an event with so many history behind it in 2k10.


可可 said...

Woho! We did well! :) Definitely proud to be a Canadian!

AJEYA RAO said...

Did you get to watch any live?

Edmlee said...

Unfortunately no Ajeya :(
Was busy w/ work during that time and heard tix were pretty hard to get. If I lived closer, I'll probably do some volunteer work.