Friday, December 25, 2009

A Nutty Christmas

Despite the cold weather on Christmas day, there was a visitor waiting in the backyard. Knowing how cold it must have been, my mom grabbed a chestnut and gave it to the little visitor. Now, the only problem is for him find a way to crack open his meal.


AJEYA RAO said...

So glad that you have i hope you are gonna wrie abt your break too. what kept you away

Edmlee said...

Thanks man :)
Nothing in particular that kept me away; just alot of thinking and perhaps suddenly didn't know what to write since it was a drastic change between my expat active bachelor lifestyle vs. the current back-in-Toronto living with family life, coupled with a sudden family issue a year back. Nonetheless, found out that living healthily and just sharing a laugh at the dinner table with family over a simple meal may just be the best that that can happen :) Merry Christmas and Happy new year!